14 March 2006
Dear readers of

Welcome to a World Top 100 Engineering Blog!
This is
ll about Flexible Macroelectronics !

What's for?

I founded in April 2006, several years after I started to work on flexible macroelectronics at Princeton University, and several months after I dived into the Web2.0 tech trend at Harvard University. I've been fascinated by the ever fast growth of the emerging field of flexible macroelectronics. While I get to know and enjoy the progress of flexible macroelectronics
everyday via sources here and there, I realized there is no single place where both the technological progress and the scientific knowledge of the multiple fronts of this nascent area can be aggregated and accumulated. This is exactly the motivation that finally led me to launch

Aiming to address the growing interests in flexible macroelectronics, web portal:

  • tracks both latest technological progress and ongoing scientific research on flexible macroelectronics;
  • serves as a platform to exchange information among people who are interested in this emerging technology;
  • stimulates interactions and collaborations among flexible macroelectronics industries and researchers in the field.
Who's behind?

I received a Ph.D. from Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University in March, 2006, after my earlier studies at Princeton University and Tsinghua University, China. I joined the faculty of Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland since August 2006.

My current research interests include mechanics of the micro/nano structures in flexible macroelectronics, innovative micro/nano scale patterns as general platforms for flexible macroelectronics, deformation instability of thin films and multilayers, and mechanics of biomembrane and cytoskeleton in the cells.

I'm also interested in exploring innovative strategies to enhance communications and foster collaborations using Web2.0 technologies. Besides editing, I am also one of the two architects of, a multiblog for international community of Applied Mechanics.

For more details of my research, visit my personal website at:

I would like to thank all our subscribers and readers. Your support and participation have always been crucial for the fast growth of this web portal. Again, your comments are always welcome. If you want to join us as a contributor (or just want to make a post anytime), feel free to email me. I'm particularly grateful to Prof. Z. Suo at Harvard University, who has always been encouraging and supportive for me and for the growth of I can learn something new every single time I talk to him.

Sincerely yours,

Teng Li
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great to have it website.